
Dive into our family's creative chaos!

  • My Prayer, My Gift
    When I hold my children, I am touching the future. I am holding possibility. I am cradling the promise I make to the world. That it will be better for them, that they will have more than I did. If I raise them right, prepare them well, and give them the tools to find their… Read more: My Prayer, My Gift
  • A Mother’s place
    Feel my chest rise and fall. Feel my heartbeat. Listen to the sound my skin makes stroking yours. Inhale my scent as I hold you. Find calm. Find peace. Remember, Small ones, You’re here because of me as much as I am here because of you. I am your protector. You are my heart. Our… Read more: A Mother’s place
  • To James, from your littles
    Daddy… You are safety, You are love, You are strong, You are kind, You are happiness, You are comfort, You are fun, You are funny, You are calm, You are teacher, You are friend, You are wise, You are wonderful, You are Daddy… You are big, and we are small… But one day we will… Read more: To James, from your littles
  • Woman’s mistake corrected
    Don’t let the words that you manifest in your chest,And travel up your throat,Only to be choked down,To drown,And drag you down with them,Words are power, and you are powerful,Allow them their freedom, say what you mean,Breath life into them,Don’t stay quiet when words are hot and hurting, burning in your lungs, waiting to escape.To… Read more: Woman’s mistake corrected